Restoring Historic Mouldings in New York’s Landmark Residencies

restoring historic mouldings

Mouldings are architectural elements that have the power to elevate a space, adding depth, character, and a touch of sophistication. At our firm, our skilled craftspeople understand the importance of recreating historic mouldings with authenticity and precision while also crafting custom designs that align with our clients' unique visions.

Our Approach to Restoring Historic Mouldings

In our commitment to preserving architectural heritage and authenticity, we have mastered the art of restoring historic plaster mouldings using modern techniques. One of the key methods we employ is the use of silicone molds, which allows us to capture intricate details and reproduce them with remarkable precision.

When faced with the challenge of recreating historic plaster mouldings, we understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of the original design. By carefully examining the existing mouldings and studying archival references, we gain a deep understanding of the intricate profiles, textures, and ornamentation that make them unique.

To recreate these mouldings, our artisans and plaster experts carefully mold silicone impressions directly from the original mouldings, capturing every intricate detail. Silicone molds are preferred due to their flexibility and durability, allowing us to achieve highly accurate reproductions.

Once the silicone molds are created, we use them to cast new plaster mouldings. We meticulously mix and pour high-quality plaster into the molds, ensuring the right consistency and timing to capture the fine details. The plaster is carefully cured to achieve the desired hardness and durability.

The resulting plaster reproductions are then expertly installed, seamlessly integrating them with the existing architecture. Our skilled craftspeople meticulously match the color and finish to blend with the surrounding surfaces, ensuring a harmonious and authentic appearance.

Crafting Custom Mouldings & Millwork

While historic preservation is a cornerstone of our work, we also excel at creating custom mouldings that reflect the unique tastes and visions of our clients. In our in-house millwork shop, our artisans and master carpenters collaborate closely with our design team to create bespoke millwork and cabinetry that harmonize with the overall aesthetic of the project.

Our collaborative process begins with thorough consultations, where we delve into our clients' preferences, architectural styles, and desired atmospheres. We then employ cutting-edge technology, such as computer-aided design (CAD), to transform these concepts into precise specifications. With an unwavering commitment to quality, we meticulously select premium materials to ensure durability and longevity.

Our master craftspeople bring these designs to life, painstakingly handcrafting each custom piece with finely tuned expertise. From grand coffered ceilings and intricately detailed paneling to custom kitchens and full restorations, their ability to transform raw materials into works of art is evident in every piece they make.

At M. Daddio, we take pride in seamlessly blending traditional craftsmanship with modern expertise. Whether it's recreating historic mouldings or crafting custom designs, we are dedicated to bringing your vision to fruition. From the initial consultation to the final touches, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide personalized service every step of the way. With our commitment to client satisfaction and our passion for craftsmanship, we continue to raise the bar in recreating historic and custom mouldings in New York’s landmark residences.


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